Biblical Essential Oils with Powerful Healing Properties for Every Body System


Cypress Essential Oil
Frankincense Essential Oil

Cypress supports improved circulation. Apply topically to cellulite and fluid retention.


Galbanum Essential Oil
Hyssop Essential Oil
Myrrh Essential Oil
Spikenard Essential Oil

Apply essential oils topically to soothe indigestion. Hyssop and Myrrh are anti-parasitic.


Myrtle Essential Oil
Myrrh Essential Oil

These are traditional tonics for the hormonal system. Apply topically or diffuse Myrtle.


Cassia Essential Oil
Frankincense Essential Oil
Myrrh Essential Oil
Myrtle Essential Oil

Builds immune system when essential oils are inhaled and applied topically. Dilute Cassia.


Cedarwood Essential Oil
Rose of Sharon Essential Oil
Cypress Essential Oil
Frankincense Essential Oil
Myrrh Essential Oil
Spikenard Essential Oil
Aloes/Sandalwood Essential Oil

Cedarwood and Frankincense are high in sequiterpenes, and help overcome stress and depression. Diffuse essential oils and apply topically.


Spikenard Essential Oil
Myrrh Essential Oil
Cypress Essential Oil
Cedarwood Essential Oil
Rose of Sharon Essential Oil
Aloes/Sandalwood Essential Oil

Sandalwood soothes normal, dry and troubled skin. Spikenard is great for wrinkles; Myrrh and Rose of Sharon are also good for wrinkles and wounds that won’t heal.


Myrtle Essential Oil
Hyssop Essential Oil
Frankincense Essential Oil
Cedarwood Essential Oil
Rose of Sharon Essential Oil

To support respiratory conditions, rub essential oils on chest and back. Inhale or diffuse essential oils.

Cedarwood Essential Oil History and Use

Cedarwood has been used for over 5,000 years by the Egyptians and the Sumerians for ritual purposes.  Other uses included embalming, a disinfectant, and other medicinal purposes.

Cedars of Lebanon is the highest in sesquiterpenes (98%) which oxygenates the brain and supports clear thinking.  The Scriptures record that Solomon built the Temple and his palace out of the Cedars of Lebanon—which may be why Solomon was the wisest man to ever live.

Spiritually, Cedar is symbolic of strength and serves as a hedge of protection.  In Song of Solomon 1:17, it speaks about the boards of Cedarwood: “The beams of our house are cedar, and our rafters of fir.”  A bride’s trousseau or “cedar chest,” which holds her treasures, protects her valuables from moths, silverfish, and other infestations.  A believer’s heart is where God’s treasure is.  Yeshua reminds believers to guard their hearts from the enemy, who wants to come in and steal their joy and peace.

For practical purposes, this oil serves well as an insect repellent.  Its scent stays in the wood for a lifetime, even after the wood has been made into furniture—and it is this same fragrance which inhibits the growth of bacteria.

Therapeutic/Medicinal Uses

Cedarwood is effective against hair loss, tuberculosis, bronchitis, arthritis, gonorrhea, urinary infections, acne, and psoriasis.[1] It also helps in reducing the hardening of the artery wall and stimulates the pineal gland to release natural melatonin for deep sleep.[2] Cedarwood clears the mind and eases anxiety and ADD.[3]

The thumb and big toe are trigger points for clearing fears of the unknown and mental blocks against learning.[4] The big toe is also a point for clearing addictions and complusive behavior.  The scent of Cedarwood helps to clear buried emotions, including pride and conceit.

Other Uses:
1. Blend Cedarwood essential oil with olive oil and apply to skin as an effective insect repellant.
2. To inhibit hair loss, rub 1-3 drops of Cedarwood into your scalp.
3. Put a drop of Cedarwood on a cotton ball and place in drawers to repel insects and keep clothes fresh.
4. To enhance your immune system and boost the natural body’s defenses, apply a drop or two of Cedarwood to the soles of the feet.
5. To help relieve symptoms of bronchitis, rub a drop or two of Cedarwood essential oil on the chest.
6. Place a drop of Cedarwood on cuts or wounds to disinfect and protect from infection. This will also promote healing.
7. To help improve symptoms of sinusitis, apply a small amount over the sinus area.
8. Apply a drop of Cedarwood to the back of the neck or near the temples to enhance deep sleep.
9. Cedarwood applied to the right thumb is great for overcoming emotional blocks to learning.

[1] Cooksley, Valerie Gennari, R.N.  Aromatherapy.

[2] Taken from a study conducted by the America Academy of Reflexology, published in “Obstetrics and Gynecology,” Volume 82, Number 6, December 1993.

[3] Ibid.

[4] Ibid.