Ways to Use Myrrh Essential Oil – Canker Sores – Killing Staphylococcus and other skin conditions

Uses For Myrrh Essential Oil

1. To help make canker sores disappear, apply one drop of myrrh oil.

2. For an excellent mouthwash, mix 2-5 drops of myrrh oil with water.  Swish and rinse.

3. To help with gingivitis, rub 1-2 drops of myrrh oil on gums.

4. For a warm, soothing aroma, drop 2-3 drops of myrrh oil on a dried log of wood.  Allow time to soak into wood, before placing in the fireplace.

5. Troublesome skin conditions?  Rub 1 drop of myrrh oil on blemish to help it go away.

6. For external wounds, mix 10 drops of myrrh oil with 25 ml of water and apply directly to affected area.

7. For colds and/or bronchitis, mix 1ml of myrrh oil with a carrier oil in a 15ml bottle, to help with phlegm.

8. Use myrrh oil for killing staphylococcus (a wound bacteria).

9. For vitaligo (a skin condition where patches of skin lose pigmentation), blend myrrh oil with sandalwood oil and apply.

10. Apply myrrh as nature’s pain reliever.